Even if reading has gone a little out of fashion, paper is still in demand as a raw material. Paper is required not only for newspapers and books, but also for parcels, packaging, insulating material, bank notes, and furniture.
To avoid corrugated cardboard beds collapsing, to ensure packaging material provides safe protection, and so documents remain intact, paper and printed products must be stored and processed correctly.
Maximum precision and perfect humidity are required if newspapers are to be rattled off the rotary offset press at 55 km/h.
Paper is hygroscopic
Hygroscopic materials are substances that can trap moisture in their cell structure.
At low humidity, the air extracts moisture from the materials, often damaging the cell structure and causing cracks to form.
Static charges
Static charge can occur on unearthed production equipment, or on the textiles themselves.
At a relative humidity of 50–55%, damp air increasingly settles on ions, making them heavier and less mobile in the electric field. The conductivity of the air and the material surfaces then increases, so that electrical charges are dissipated, which prevents the formation of potential differences.
Dry air below 40% RH can cause
electrical potential differences
At 50–55% RH, electrical charges can dissipate
due to the increased conductivity
Perfect printing results
For the highly sensitive rotary printing facilities, the air humidity must be kept at a constant level of 60 percent at ambient temperatures of 20–25 degrees Celsius. If the ambient air is too dry, this increases the error probability and also shortens the service life of the printing presses. High-precision humidification also avoids the negative effects of static electricity and prevents any possible impact on the printing processes, such as misalignment or paper jams.
Preventing dust ingress
No matter whether offset, digital, rotary or package printing: For print shops, it is essential to guarantee optimum humidity for both product and production quality. For example, electrostatic charging caused by excessively dry air attracts dust from the environment and thus impairs the quality of the printed products and printing presses. With a humidity of 45–55 percent in the respective rooms, however, even the finer dust particles in the air are moistened. The moisture binds the dust, which consequently becomes heavier, sinks to the ground or does not rise into the air at all. Papers that are kept in too dry conditions also tend to generate dust themselves. In the process, fibers are released from the paper, combine and can therefore impair ink transfer and thus the quality of the printed image as a whole.
Perfect printing results
For the highly sensitive rotary printing facilities, the air humidity must be kept at a constant level of 60 percent at ambient temperatures of 20–25 degrees Celsius. If the ambient air is too dry, this increases the error probability and also shortens the service life of the printing presses. High-precision humidification also avoids the negative effects of static electricity and prevents any possible impact on the printing processes, such as misalignment or paper jams.
Preventing dust ingress
No matter whether offset, digital, rotary or package printing: For print shops, it is essential to guarantee optimum humidity for both product and production quality. For example, electrostatic charging caused by excessively dry air attracts dust from the environment and thus impairs the quality of the printed products and printing presses. With a humidity of 45–55 percent in the respective rooms, however, even the finer dust particles in the air are moistened. The moisture binds the dust, which consequently becomes heavier, sinks to the ground or does not rise into the air at all. Papers that are kept in too dry conditions also tend to generate dust themselves. In the process, fibers are released from the paper, combine and can therefore impair ink transfer and thus the quality of the printed image as a whole.
Storage of coated paper
Storage of uncoated paper
Storage of books
Photo printing
Screen printing
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